How to Get Mental Health Help: When to Ask and Where to Go

Learn more about how to get mental health help that will most effectively meet your needs in this informative article.

How to Get Mental Health Help With Black Horse Health

At Black Horse Health, we know how overwhelming it can be to start the process of finding mental health help for your symptoms.

Our team of skilled and compassionate specialists have over 100 years of combined experience, and we are committed to helping you or your loved one get the mental health help you need.

With integrative wellness services including drama and art therapy, trauma-based therapies, and dual diagnosis treatment, we will create a treatment plan that best meets your unique set of symptoms.

Read On and Reach Out

Learn more about our mental health treatment program, other treatment opportunities, and how our Black Horse Health team of specialists can help you heal in this comprehensive article.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for more information or to begin your path to wellness today.

How to Get Mental Health Help: a General Overview

Navigating the maze of emotions and recognizing when you need help can be challenging. But, knowing how to get mental health help is vital to better well-being. There are clear avenues to seek guidance, whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or just not yourself.
The key is to start a conversation. This can happen with a trusted friend, family member, or professional.
From simple phrases like “I’ve been feeling off lately, can we talk?” to more direct approaches such as “I think I need help with my mental health,” finding the right words can be your first step towards healing and understanding.

What to Expect from This Article

In this article, we will explore the many benefits of seeking help. We’ll cover how to decide if it’s time to seek professional care. We’ll also discuss how to get mental health help and how to find reputable treatment facilities near you, such as Black Horse Health.

How to Know When to Get Mental Health Help

Some signs and symptoms may indicate someone could benefit from seeking help for mental health issues. Mental health is complex and varies from person to person, but some common signals will be detailed below.

Emotional Signs

There are various emotional signs that help you know when it is time to get mental health help. Some of the signs may include, but are not limited to:1
  • Continuous feelings of sadness that last for two weeks or more
  • Severe fluctuations in mood, energy, or ability to think clearly
  • Intense, prolonged fear or anxiety that impacts daily life
  • A continuous sense of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with everyday problems
  • Excessive, long-lasting irritability or anger
  • Emotional numbness or feelings of detachment from oneself or others

Behavioral Signs

The behavioral signs of emotional or mental distress might include:
  • Avoiding social activities or interactions that were previously enjoyable
  • Unexplained weight loss, weight gain, or changes in eating habits
  • Difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restful sleep
  • Persistent low energy levels that interfere with daily activities
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

Physical Signs

Many people may experience physical symptoms associated with poor mental health. Growing research supports the connection between physical and mental health. When one is bad, the other may be impacted.2
Some physical signs someone may need mental health help include:
  • Frequent complaints of physical symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, and pain that don’t seem to have a clear physical cause
  • Lack of interest in personal hygiene or appearance

High-Risk Behavior

People struggling with their mental health may be more likely to experience high-risk behaviors.3

For some, high-risk behaviors can be a sign of a mental health condition, like bipolar disorder. Others may engage in these behaviors to ease symptoms, such as using alcohol to reduce symptoms of depression.

Examples of High-Risk Behavior

High-risk behaviors may include:
  • Self-harm or engaging in activities that are dangerous or harmful to others
  • Excessive use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances as a coping mechanism
  • Expressing thoughts of death, dying, or suicide

Changes in Performance

Having poor mental health might look like changes in work or academic abilities. Some people may have more difficulty focusing or lose interest. This could result in a noticeable decline in performance at school or work.

Relational Issues

Experiencing relationship problems can often be a sign of mental health concerns. It’s essential to look out for:
  • Continuous conflict with family and friends
  • Increased withdrawal from social activities 
  • Isolating oneself from close family members or friends

Symptoms May Vary

These symptoms are not an exhaustive list. Every person is different and may experience various symptoms. If you’re wondering how to get mental health help, it’s important to reach out for support if you are experiencing these signs.
Know that our kind and professional staff at Black Horse Health is eager to help.

How to Get Mental Health Help: Recognizing Mental Health Concerns

It’s not enough just to know how to get mental health help. It’s essential to recognize the signs or behavior changes. Recognizing mental health challenges is tough, but it’s a crucial first step in getting help.
Here’s a simple guide to help recognize mental health concerns:

Emotional Changes

Pay attention to how you’re feeling. Are you often sad, anxious, or angry? Have you lost interest in things you used to enjoy? If these feelings last for a while and affect your daily life, it could be a sign that you need help.

Physical Symptoms

Your body can also give clues about your mental health. Are you having trouble sleeping? Have you noticed changes in your eating habits or weight? Sometimes, physical symptoms like these are connected to emotional struggles.

Social Signs

Take note of how you’re interacting with others. Are you pulling away from friends and family? Are social activities you once enjoyed now hard to face? Isolation and withdrawal can be signs of a mental health issue.

Performance at Work or School

Are you having trouble focusing at work or school? Is your performance slipping? If you find it hard to concentrate or complete tasks, this might indicate a mental health problem.

Risky Behaviors

Be honest about any risky behaviors you’re engaging in, such as:
  • Using drugs or alcohol to cope
  • Driving recklessly
  • Self-harming
These are serious signs that you need immediate help.

Ask for Input

Sometimes, it’s hard to see changes in yourself. Ask trusted friends or family if they’ve noticed any differences in your behavior or mood. Their observations can offer valuable insights.
If you notice a combination of changes that last for a significant period and disrupt your life, it’s time to seek professional help. You don’t have to go through it alone; support and treatment are available.

How To Get Mental Health Help

Seeking help for mental health challenges can feel overwhelming. This is especially true for those navigating the system for the first time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to understanding how to get mental health help:

Recognize the Signs

The first step is acknowledging that you may need help. As mentioned before, signs can include:
  • Persistent emotional distress
  • Changes in behavior or social habits
  • Physical symptoms like sleep disturbances


Take some time to assess your symptoms. Journaling or thinking critically about your emotional state can help identify patterns and triggers. This information will also be helpful when you speak to a healthcare professional.

Consult Trusted People

If you’re comfortable, talk to friends and family about what you’re experiencing. They might offer support or even recommend a healthcare provider they’ve found helpful.
Reach out to Black Horse Health for supportive and integrative care.
Besides professional help, consider joining a support group or leaning on friends and family. This could look like attending 12-Step meetings or other self-help programs.

Follow Through

Once a treatment plan is in place, make sure to follow it. This could mean taking medication as prescribed or attending regular therapy sessions.

Avenues for Accessing Mental Health Help

There are many avenues for how to get mental health help. It can be overwhelming to navigate the system, especially for those who are unfamiliar. Mental health support is available through a variety of sources.


One of the most common avenues for accessing mental health help is to consult with a family doctor. These professionals can provide an initial assessment and make referrals to specialists for continued evaluation.4


The next step may be to seek out psychiatrists. These are medical doctors who specialize in mental health. They can diagnose mental health conditions and are authorized to prescribe medication. They often work with other professionals to provide comprehensive care.


Like psychiatrists, psychologists hold doctoral degrees in psychology and are trained to diagnose and treat mental health issues. This is often done through psychotherapy.
Psychologists cannot prescribe medication, but they can provide psychological testing and various forms of therapy. Many psychologists work together with psychiatrists if medication is needed.5

Therapists and Social Workers

These professionals offer a range of therapies. They often have a master’s degree in psychology, counseling, or a related field. They’re trained to diagnose and treat mental health conditions, although they cannot prescribe medication.
Clinical social workers often approach mental health from a psychological and social standpoint. They focus on addressing emotional issues and the social and environmental factors that may contribute to them.

Telemedicine Services

Online platforms have become more popular for mental health treatment. They often offer video or text-based consultations. They can be a convenient option for those unable to attend in-person sessions.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Some employers offer EAPs as part of their benefits package. These programs often provide a set number of free therapy sessions and may help you find a suitable healthcare provider.

School Counseling Services

Educational institutions have counselors or psychologists available to students. These services can be a good starting point for young people seeking mental health support.

Community Health Centers

Low-cost mental health services are often available at community health centers. These centers might offer sliding scale fees based on your ability to pay.

Support Groups

Support groups offer peer-to-peer assistance. These can be a useful complement to professional mental health services.
Groups exist for various conditions and challenges, such as:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Eating disorders
  • Grief support

Treatment Centers

Specialized residential or outpatient centers are for more severe mental health issues or substance abuse problems. These centers often include more intense therapy and support than traditional therapy.
Different care providers and services are suited to different needs. You may need to explore a few options to find what works best for you. Consult with the professional staff at Black Horse Health about how to get mental health help that best meets your needs.

The Importance of Destigmatizing Mental Health Help

Talking about mental health should be as normal as talking about physical health. When it’s easier to talk about mental health challenges, they’re easier to overcome.6
Here’s why it’s so important:

Feel Better – Sooner

When people aren’t afraid to talk about mental health, they get help faster. That means they start feeling better sooner. Being able to talk about mental health promotes understanding and improves relationships.
If people get help early, they might avoid bigger health problems later. That can save money for them and the whole community.7

A Kinder Society

When we all understand mental health, we’re nicer to each other. People who are going through a tough time feel less alone.
When people talk more about these issues, everyone learns it’s okay to ask for help. This is especially helpful for children. Kids can do better in school when they’re feeling good mentally. Destigmatizing mental health can help them feel more comfortable asking for help.8
Normalizing talking about mental health helps everyone. Fewer stigmas around mental health can make asking how to get mental health help easier.

How to Get Mental Health Help: Self-Help Strategies and Resources

Many professional mental health services have waiting lists, meaning it could take weeks or months to be seen by a professional. While waiting for professional help, there are several self-help strategies that can be helpful.


Exercise is not only good for physical health but is also good for the mind. Physical exercise has been shown to reduce depression and anxiety due to releasing “feel good” hormones that boost mood.9

Mindfulness and Meditation

These practices help people remain focused on the present moment. They can reduce stress and help people understand their thoughts and feelings better.10

Healthy Eating

Certain nutrients in food can help the chemicals in the brain that impact mood.11 A balanced diet of healthy proteins, fruits, and vegetables can boost energy and regulate mood.

Social Support

Having poor social support can contribute to loneliness and depression.12 Strong social support can help people feel cared for and understood. This can reduce symptoms that may be contributing to poor mental health.

Reach Out to Support Groups

Many communities and websites offer support groups for various mental health conditions. Sometimes, talking to others going through the same thing can provide valuable insights.
These tips can be helpful for those waiting for professional mental health or needing a boost. But, they’re not replacements for professional services and are often more effective when combined with treatment.

How to Get Mental Health Help with Black Horse Health

Do you find yourself wondering how to get mental health help? Taking care of your mental health is as important as looking after your physical well-being. If you’re struggling with emotional or mental challenges, the first step is acknowledging that you need help.
Once you’ve decided to seek help, Black Horse Health Institute is here to provide you with the personalized treatment you need.

Our Programs

The programs at Black Horse Health can provide you with the mental health help you deserve. Our compassionate and professional Houston staff offers you the tools to overcome challenges and take back your life.
We offer treatment programs focused on:
We offer evidence-based services such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), harm reduction techniques, and more to ensure that individuals have the tools needed to build a solid foundation for recovery.

Holistic Treatment Opportunities for Whole-Person Healing

Our programs combine evidence-based therapies with alternative approaches to treat the whole person.
Some of our more holistic treatment opportunities include:
  • Art therapy
  • Drama therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Experiential therapy
  • Meditation and yoga
  • Nutritional support and counseling

Contact Black Horse Health Today

Remember, asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a proactive step toward a healthier, happier you. Find the help you deserve today by calling Black Horse Health at 713-574-2333.